Privacy Resources
Welcome to the privacy resources section of this site. On here, there there are various resources to help one understand different aspects of online forms of privacy.
Beginner's guide to privacy in easy to understand terms
Note (4/12/17): Due to worsening legal issues in the US over privacy and information, protecting yourself has become more prevalent no than ever. Make sure to protect your privacy and security, and work with your lawmakers to change the standards on privacy in the legislature. Although some states are passing statewide bills to try and protect these rights, its just a basic patch over an ever-widening issue. The solution is a unified national framework, not a patchwork of state bills. More information about these recent legal changes (and issues) can be found in these links:
Attempts by Federal Gov to reveal Anti-Trump account
Phone Providers are common carriers, which makes them resistant to regulation like privacy bills
Congress Passed Bill that allows ISP to sell personal information.
Border Passwords?